May News
Aloha, Manna `Ohana! We’ve got some exciting updates for you from the past month, along with news about what’s coming up around here and how you can get involved!
Life-Change Happens Here
Reaching our Island and our World
Reaching our Island and our World •
God is doing amazing things through the Dream Center Hawaii with outreach and missions! In addition to all of our weekly and bi-weekly outreaches at the Greater Hope Boutique and Garden to Table at Onelau`ena Shelter, we continue to get to reach out with monthly Serve Saturday outreach opportunities and short-term missions trips to Maui!
Here’s some of what happened in April…
On April 6th, we got to reach out with five Serve Saturday projects — Feeding the Homeless, Beach Cleanups, AccesSurf, Pu'u O Kapolei Community, and painting and building the stage at Manna’s new Offices and Equipping Center.
On April 9th, God opened the door for us to present the Dream Center HI Vision and Mission to hundreds of pastors and leaders at a local church conference. In addition, we delivered much needed bath towels that were donated by Delta Airlines to the “Teen Challenge” addiction recovery home, "The Shelter," and the Onelau`ena transitional homeless shelter in Kapolei.
On April 13th, we attended The Shelter Gala and got to present a gift of support to Executive Director Daniel Kaneshiro.
On April 20th, along with team members from Anchor Church, Teen Challenge of Maui, and River of Life Mission, the Manna Dream Center got to partner in bringing a Maui fire relief missions team to assist Hui Homes in building housing for a family who lost their home in the Lahaina fire.
Billy Dossett transported the team to the Mission site in the new van we recently helped to purchase for Teen Challenge Maui (see our April newsletter for the details on that miracle of a van!).
On April 25th, we received the Hui 'O Na Wahine Schofield Spouses Club Certificate of Achievement Award in recognition of our efforts in feeding the homeless, the Greater Hope Boutique, and Maui Fire Relief. What an honor!
Here are a few ways you can get involved in May…
•Islands of Hope (9am-11am) — bring your tools/equipment and provide minor home repairs and yard work for the women at the safe haven of Islands of Hope.
•Beach Cleanup (9am-10am) — help keep our community beaches beautiful through beach cleanups.
•Feeding the Homeless (8am-9am) — hand out sandwiches and drinks, talk story and pray for some of our homeless neighbors.
•Painting project at Onelau`ena (8am-10am) — help paint a room for a children’s area at the Onelauena transitional homeless shelter.
“Mahalo for your faithfulness in serving during Serve Saturdays, Outreach Events and Short Term Missions Trips. Together, we are reaching our island communities and our world with the love of Jesus Christ.”
Mark Your Calendars
Mark Your Calendars •
Some important dates to note:
May 4 SERVE Saturday
May 15 MannaYouth Rally
June 1 SERVE Saturday
June 2 Connect Sunday
Stay tuned for details about SUMMER AT MANNA!
Our next MannaYouth Rally is Wednesday, May 15th! The rally will be at Manna’s new Offices and Equipping Center in Kapolei from 6-8pm. We’ll be honoring our seniors and we have a super exciting announcement that you won’t want to miss!
“For this rally, we want everyone to REP YOUR TEAM! Pull out your best jerseys, hats, and whatever merch you have, because the student who is the best decked out will win a prize at the end of the night.”
Check out this recap from our last rally!
Are you excited to know what your keiki are learning this month? Be sure to grab your MannaKids newsletter from MannaKids Family Connection team as you check-in on Sunday! In it, you will find this month’s memory verses, information on ways you can get more involved at Manna as a family, and more!
Remember: you can also view each week’s videos together as a family on our MannaKids page on the website and app.
Everybody has a part to play
Everybody has a part to play •
We believe that everybody has a part to play, and that God created you ON PURPOSE, FOR A PURPOSE. Whether you’ve been at Manna for three minutes or three years, there’s a place for you to get plugged in and use the special gifts God has given to YOU.
Need prayer for anything? Our Prayer Team is on it! Fill out this form and we’ll be praying for you and expecting to see God move in your life like He loves to do!